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New Principal - St Lawrence Catholic School


April 13, 2022

Dear St. Lawrence Church School Community,

Blessings for Easter as we celebrate this Holy Week!

As you know, Mrs. Hyatt has advised me of her intention to retire at the end of this current school year. We are all very grateful for her many years of service to the students and families of St. Lawrence School and wish her and her family many years of happiness as she transitions to her next adventure.

I’m sure there has been much speculation about who will be the next principal of St. Lawrence School. Be assured that I have worked closely in conjunction with the Archdiocese of Miami’s Office of Catholic Schools and have followed the recommended procedures in the search for our next administrative leader. A selection committee, including members from the Office of Catholic Schools and St. Lawrence Parish Church, was formed to select the next principal of St. Lawrence School. After reviewing and interviewing many qualified candidates for the position, I am pleased to announce that Dr. Stephanie Paguaga was selected, and has accepted, the position of principal of St. Lawrence School beginning July 1, 2022.

We look forward to continuing our school’s mission to provide a well-rounded curriculum to students, grades Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8, in a caring environment where Catholic faith and learning grow hand in hand. I know you will continue to support the administrators through the transition period in the remaining months of this school year and far into the future.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Reverend Father Cletus Omode

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